Check out these great new Publix coupon books. They can be picked up at your local Publix OR you can access them online and print the coupons from your computer. Enjoy!
Nice deal on pie and cool whip at Save a Lot the next couple of weeks (November 19 - December 2, 2014). Currently Save A Lot has Cool Whip on ale for $0.79 and Mrs. Smith Apple, Cherry, or Pumpkin pies for 2/$5.00. By one of each for a total of $3.29 - $1.00 off Cool whip when you purchase one Mrs. Smith's pie or cobbler = both for $2.29!
These are great for mini pizzas or homemade calzones! Get your package of Armour Pepperoni for $1.00 - $0.55 off One Armour Pepperoni Product = $0.45 per Package!
Great snack for hungry kids coming home from school. Get 2 boxes of Red Baron Pizza Singles at Dollar Tree for $2.00 - $1.00 of 2 Red Baron Pizza Singles = 2 boxes of $1.00 or $0.50 each!
Get a great deal on Halls Cough Drops this week at Publix. Buy two bags on sale for BOGO $1.99 - $1.00 of 2 Halls Cough Drops Bags = 2 bags for $0.99 or $0.50 each!